Friday, February 25, 2011

free weekend

i've always loved filling the social calendar, 
but lately it's had lots of muffy's dates on it....
gymnastics, birthday parties, library, etc....

so, mr prep is planning a daddy-daughter weekend 
away at his parents' home in vermont 
to give me a little free time
(plus, i promised him that i would attempt to clear 
our basement of all my old college stuff!)

and i plan to fill every minute!
first, an evening with a friend at kate spade

tomorrow, a lunch date with another friend at 
and lunch at the bistro
and drinks
and then, if i have time, i'll attack the basement!

what do you do when the husband and kids are away?


  1. Ohhhh I'm so jealous! A weekend alone is a very rare treat. The main thing on my list would be to sleep in! Enjoy your me time!!

  2. When I am alone I love to go through my clothes and organize them. And listen to whatever music I want...or watch whatever tv I want!

  3. Per your comment - I completely missed the Tim McGraw one!! I could kick myself! I didn't even tivo it. Thank goodness you can watch them online.

  4. funny post! sounds like my kind of weekend!

  5. Those martinis look delish!

    Hugs from Paris xxx

    Camille @ Paris in Pink
